Did They Find the Brain’s Buy Button?

How do people decide what to buy? Katie Weber shares that it starts with an assessment of value, and scientists have uncovered new insights about where value is determined in the brain.  But is knowing that enough?

The Beginner’s Mind

In this post, Rebeca Arbona explains why we approach each Brandtrust engagement with the Zen Buddhist concept of a “Beginner’s Mind.”

What Was I Thinking?

It's not usually our habit to think about our thinking, but research shows that investing a little effort to do so can have a profound impact.

What A Picture Is Worth

At our core human beings are ALL visual learners.  Katie Weber writes about how we process images differently from words.

People Are Alike

The most useful insights for effective marketing strategies often come from unearthing that which people have in common, underneath the more easily observed differences that sit on the surface.

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

We've all seen situations in which consumers give us answers in research that are directly contradicted by their marketplace behavior.  What is that all about?  In this post Stephan Leman talks about why people's answers are influenced by direct questions, and what we can do about it.

Making Robots Cry

I read a journal article recently that said if you want your robot to make good decisions, you have to make it cry. Just the headline alone was intriguing to me. Robots with emotions? Tell me more!