Covid-19 Original Inquiry Webinar Series Part 2: The Healthcare Experience

In April 2020, Brandtrust set out to understand the human experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. We updated the study with the principal goal of developing a deeper understanding of how the pandemic has affected the human experience of healthcare. We also sought to learn how mental models of the pandemic had shifted over time, and how people felt about newly released vaccines. A final goal was to cast our gaze beyond U.S. borders, so we used Narrative Inquiry, our online story-gathering methodology, to reach respondents in the U.S., U.K., and Germany.

Our hope is that this analysis of the human experience resonates broadly–building a deeper empathy and feeling of connection for all those we come across. In particular we hope that our friends and clients in the healthcare space can use these insights to more fully and humanly serve patients and HCPs alike as we all struggle to find our way forward in this “new normal”.

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