Kristi Karrenbrock

Senior Marketing & Sales Associate

Storytelling and media marketing advocate with many years of experience in amplifying the voices of brands that want to do good things in the world. Project management and activation are the friends at work that help me execute the dreams of our company, one task at a time. My gravitation to Brandtrust comes from my longtime interest in psychology and the behavioral sciences, having come to the team from Onsite, a world-renowned emotional wellness retreat center. I believe my life’s work is to create safe environments for people to be 100% human, both inside and outside of the workplace.

Beloved daughter and lover of world-class Tex-Mex and long tables with friends. Loyal sister and die-hard friend to my people. I am a nature-hiking, soundtrack fanatic with a deep love for all four-legged creatures. Baffled by our own divine design and always compelled by the question, “What is the STORY that I am currently writing in my current season?” I believe that paying attention to the details of our history and shared experiences is the best way we’ll have the eyes to see the endless possibilities for a more expansive future.

Amplify our brand voice through project management and diversified content creation in the marketing and sales branch.


  • Culture List: “East of Eden” by John Steinbeck, Dead Poet’s Society and the S* Town podcast
  • Bucket Items: Travel to Estonia, explore equine therapy, become a voice actor, and eventually, acquire my own vineyard and/or retreat space.
  • Memorable Facts: I’m Brandtrust’s resident cinematic soundtracks enthusiast.
  • One Human Truth I Live By: You don’t have to pass a test to come home.
brand strategy agency