7 Hidden Truths of Trusted Brands Strategy

7 Hidden Truths of Trusted Brands: What It Takes to Build a Trusted Brand

A brand isn’t a logo, tagline, or ad campaign. It’s a mental model, or heuristic, that lives in the consumer’s mind. Trust brings this heuristic to life. With each new positive experience, brand trust grows and hardens, becoming deeply embedded, remarkably durable… and surprisingly human.

The best brands are like human partners. Competence, caring, commitment, and compatibility of values are what customers want and expect—just as they would in any human relationship.

Among the world’s most trusted brands, these seven truths inform nearly every business decision, from sales and service models to marketing campaigns to customer experience design. Once you embrace these truths and make them part of your brand culture and DNA, you’ll become the (human) partner consumers crave.

Learn the seven hidden truths of trusted brands that can help transform your brand and business.

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