At the recent Hub Live Retail Experience Symposium in New York we heard persistent warnings throughout many of the presentations—do not chase the shiny new thing just because it is the new thing! Retailers certainly need to create digital and omnichannel experiences but not fall for the notion that technology alone will create authentic experiences and relationships with people. On its own, technology will never create true relationships even if your goal is to attract and build a rapport with tech savvy Millennials. Too often brands deploy technology thinking it makes for a cool experience when in it actually does little to relate in meaningful and authentic ways to the customer’s desired experience. Millennial shoppers, in particular, often see right through it and move on in search of a more human experience.

What we have to recognize is that technology needs to solve a customer’s problem or enhance their experience in some meaningful way. That will never change! It must be the lens we use to develop killer apps or other digital tools that will better connect brands to people.

At Brandtrust we help many great brands optimize their customer experience, retail or otherwise, with applied social and behavioral science that helps us to understand what makes an experience real and meaningful for customers. One of the great human truths we see is that great brands deliver their best experiences around peak moments along the customer’s journey with the brand. Once the brand identifies the few moments that matter most it can focus intensely on optimizing those opportunities that are most likely to drive loyalty.

Here are some great examples presenters shared that hit the bull’s eye to drive traffic to their stores and build loyalty for the brand:

Krispy Kreme’s “Hot Light” App

Take the Hot Light wherever you go.

On a road trip or stuck at the office daydreaming about the mouth-watering goodness of a hot Original Glazed © Doughnut? Never miss another opportunity to get a Krispy Kreme doughnut… hot… now… off the line.

With the new Krispy Kreme app you can map your nearest Krispy Kreme location from your phone and get alerts when the neon glow of “Hot Now” is activated in your area.

Ikea’s Catalog App

It allows customers to place 3-D Versions of Ikea furniture in their homes to make sure it will look good and fit the space. Who wants to assemble a piece of furniture only to find out it’s not going to work out and then you have to schlep the box back to Ikea?

CrispyKreme        Ikea