The Path-to-Purchase Institute’s Shopper Marketing Expo was held October 21-23, 2014 in Minneapolis. I had a chance to attend and hear the latest on what’s going on at Walmart from Andy Murray, SVP Creative, who gave a keynote address. In summary, he spoke about Walmart’s definition of shopper marketing, the principles for success, how Walmart […]

Putting A Price On Emotion

Now With 30% More Emotion! Any Brand Manager worth his or her salt knows how to predict purchasing behavior. An increase in price will lead to lower demand while a decrease in price will lead to higher demand. It’s Economics 101. However, a definitive body of science tells us that human beings don’t like to […]

The Peak Customer Experience

It’s about the experience stupid! Can you imagine someone who works every possible angle to get a date with a special person and then doesn’t bother to shower, shows up late and is in a bad mood all night? That’s just crazy or stupid. But many companies are fine spending millions to attract new customers […]

Synthesizing Across Platforms, Channels and Partners

Last month, I attended the Shopper Insights in Action Conference at Navy Pier in Chicago. This year’s theme around synthesis to achieve more holistic activation struck a particular cord with me. To accomplish this synergizing of ecosystems including digital and bricks and mortar, presenters agreed you must have the right insights, which means more than […]

FEI: Magic or Models? (Hint: start with WHY)

I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Front End of Innovation Conference in Boston last month. It was a terrific opportunity to engage with both thought leaders and practitioners and to explore some of the most difficult questions and exciting opportunities around the innovation space. I think we all walked away with more intelligence and empathy—and that’s […]

3 Concepts from ARF RE: THINK

We recently attended the ARF RE:THINK conference in New York City. The conference was well programmed and there were some fantastic speakers. More than I had time to see, despite my desires to see them all. Out of the ideas that are running through my head, the following three stand out as among the most […]

A Day in Survey Land

Chris Hoel uses his own experiences as inspiration to explore what motivates respondents to participate in survey based research

Segmentation First Aid

Brandtrust CEO Daryl Travis diagnoses the problems with traditional consumer segmentations and offers an alternate approach based on human universals.

Situations Matter

Leigh Pollock examines her own situations and behavior after reading and reviewing Sam Sommers' book Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World

Caught, Not Taught

What's the difference between how folks should think about your brand inside and outside of the company?  Not very much, if you do it right.  Brandtrust CEO Daryl Travis shares some thoughts on internal branding.